Thursday, July 23, 2009

Now where did I put that thing again?

Aloha friends. I know I haven't posted for quite some time and I have a few good excuses. Well, they may not be "good" excuses but they are excuses nonetheless. For starters, we all know that moving sucks. And with moving into a new house comes the hooking up of utilities. And even though you call a month ahead of time, you are often at the mercy of their scheduling. So, to make a long story short, it took us a while to get Internet service at the new house. For a while there, we had to go to my in-laws house to do emails and the surf the web if we wanted to. It's true that I have my iphone and I was able to read emails and update my facebook status from time to time but general Internet stuff was on hold for awhile.

Once Time Warner came out here to hook us up, they found that cable wasn't originally run to our house from their little box on the corner. So they tried to run some and ran into some problems with the conduit. Now a construction crew was going to have to come out to solve the problem. That meant more waiting. They came out and fixed it and we were finally able to call once again to have the Internet access hooked up. Of course, it would be another week before a tech could come out and he would be showing up sometime between twelve noon and twelve noon the next day (I jest of course). So we waited some more and finally the guy showed up and hooked us up. HOORAY! We're now connected to the Internet.

This was all done about two weeks ago, so of course you're wondering "What about the last two weeks you lazy ass?" Well, I blame DirecTV and Best Buy for that.

We got our DirecTV hooked up and before we left Hawaii, I totally loaded my DVR with shows I wanted to watch. So I've been trying to catch up with "30 Rock" (Tina Fey is a fox!), "Law & Order SVU" (Mariska Hargitay is a fox!), "Real Time with Bill Maher" (Bill Maher is NOT a fox but he's damn funny), and all those shows. And since we used DirecTV movers, we get HBO and all that good stuff free for three months. So I've been adding more shows and more shows and I'm getting even more behind. My DVR is almost full. I can't keep up! Someone make it stop!

And why do I blame Best Buy? Well for starters, I came up here without a computer because my desktop pretty much died before we left. I was using Susan's laptop most of the time but since she's trying to study for the California Real Estate exam, she's got first dibs. And she's been working on that almost every night. So I decided to go to the local Best Buy and buy myself a laptop. To make another long story short, I'm on my third laptop in two weeks. The first one had a left click button that stopped working after the first week. The second laptop wouldn't let me log on after the second day. And now this third one...well, let's hope this third one continues to function.

And the final excuse is that I've been unpacking. For those who follow me on facebook, you'll know that I've had some difficulty finding some important stuff lately. It's weird, you make a mental note of where some important goodies are at and then later, you can't find them. For example, I had my Norton Anti-Virus product key buried somewhere where I told myself to remember it. And now, I can't find it. This has prevented me from doing a lot of stuff on the computer because I don't want my brand new, so far functioning okay laptop to get attacked. I'm sure I'll find it soon. The temporary subscription to Norton seems to be doing fine for now. I'm sure it's neatly stashed away in one of those unpacked boxes that I told myself to remember to open first. But I easily forget things these days. That's what having a toddler will do to you.

Speaking of the little rascal, that's exactly what he's becoming...a little rascal. His desire for independence so soon is kind of scary to Susan and I. Let's hope that he wants to be this free of us when he's 18 and needs to find a job or go to college. I'll post more about the little guy later on. But for now, I've got to do some more unpacking. Now where did I put that box again?

Monday, June 29, 2009

Sign Spinners, 100 degree temperatures, and the "Chinese Menu Guy"

So we've already had an interesting first week in California. We've been very busy trying to get the house ready (in other words we're painting, cleaning, and doing general fix ups around the house) and have little time to do other things. But we decided to take a minor break on Sunday and while we were still running errands, we were at least away from the house. Cruising around town, I've noticed an increase in "sign spinners". If you don't know what a sign spinner is, it's basically a person hired to stand on a corner of a busy intersection, holding a sign with the business logo, attempting to drum up business. I rarely saw this style of advertisement in Hilo and I saw a few on Oahu. But they definitely didn't have the personality of some of these guys. They're out there spinning the sign (sometimes attached to a tri-pod, sometimes attached to themselves), throwing it up in the air, even doing a little dance or two. I thought, "Wow, some of these guys really take pride in their job". They definitely get attention and it must work in bringing in business because a lot of people are doing it. Most often the advertisements are for new developments but I'm seeing them for restaurants, AT&T, even a psychic.

They are the object of ridicule by some, but I find it hard to rag on these people. In this economy, I can appreciate people doing whatever they can to make ends meet even if it means taking a job that is rather undesirable. They stand out in the sun all day, acting like a goof, and they get laughed at and pointed at for their efforts. At least they don't have to wear a costume which I think would be suicide in this heat. But they're out there every weekend trying to earn some money. At least they're making an effort, which can't be said for everyone without a job.

Did I mention that it's hot here? Not the same kind of heat like Hawaii. It's not that dewey, sweet humid heat. It's that desert, arid, dry heat. We made it all the way up to 107 on Sunday. And yes it is uncomfortable, but so far, I'm not finding it unbearable. It is a different heat than Hawaii, but heat is heat, it's always going to be uncomfortable. One of the many positives I have in our new house (besides A/C) is the construction. The house is insulated very well. And remains remarkably cool despite not having the A/C on. Let's hope it stays that way.

And finally, I had my first encounter with the "Chinese Menu Guy" which is what I call all solicitors who stick crap in your door. With new houses still being built in this development, businesses come by daily to leave a flyer or business card or whatever in your door. If they're lucky (and you're unlucky) they'll catch you and talk to you for a bit. Well, of course we have the house opened up since we're working on it. The windows are open, the garage door is up, and we're milling about the house. We're easy prey for these people. So the doorbell rings and before we have time to shut off the radio and duck behind the fireplace, my father-in-law answers the door. Automatically I hear him call, "Matt, someone here at the door for you." Gritting my teeth I walk to the front door and my father-in-law gives me a smart ass smirk as I pass him. Standing in the doorway is a girl in her twenties with a clip board in hand and a fanny pack around her waist. "Hello sir!" she cheerfully says. I'd like to talk to you about your pest control options. I kind of snicker at this because in Hawaii, I'd deal with all pest control the same way, with the "Hawaiian Fly Swatter" a.k.a a big, rubber slipper. So being the nice guy that I am, I decide to listen to her presentation. It will include a walk around the house so she can point out problem areas that I might want to address. So she takes a quick look around and notices that we have no furniture, no paintings, no nothing in the house. She sees the paint cans and drop cloths and what not. She turns to me and says, "So you haven't been living here long?" Again, I snicker. "Not really," is my reply. She says, "So you haven't noticed if there are any bugs in the house?" Again, my reply is, "Not really." So she walks around the house and points out a few things to me. Then she presents me with what her company will do. In the back of my mind, I think, "Gee, this is pretty much what I'd do anyway if a pest problem should exist." And then she asks if I'm interested in the pricing. I politely tell her, "I'd like to live in the house for a little while to see what it's like. And then I'll call you. Do you have a card?" Of course I probably won't call them unless something really bad happens. But until then, I'll have my big rubber slipper ready.

Once again, I can't rag on these people because at least they're out there trying to make a living. But I reserve a little disdain for them because they come right up to your house. And some of them can be damn pushy (luckily for me, this girl was not). It's advertising you can't ignore because it follows you home. At least the sign spinners stay on the corner.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

A Place for Your Stuff

Whenever I think of moving (or hear of friends who are moving), I always think about George Carlin's bit "A Place for your Stuff". If you haven't heard it or read it, it's basically Carlin ranting about how our stuff practically rules our lives. I can't quote him right now because my copy of his book "Brain Droppings" where it's printed out is currently in a pile of my "stuff" in a container making it's way across the Pacific Ocean. But I do remember him saying, "Think about your house. All it is is a big pile of stuff with a cover on it."

I can't believe I fit all that "stuff" in a twenty foot container. I had the container for a week and had to practically load it by myself. Only on a few heavy furniture items did I have to call for Susan's help. You may ask why Susan didn't help and the answer is a 19 month old child. Someone had to keep him from running out the door every time I opened it to take a box of "stuff" out to the container. I can't believe we have so much "stuff". Moving house really makes you realize how much crap you have. I highly recommend you never ever move if you can avoid it. Moving sucks. But I'm sure you most of you already know that.

What's shocking is that we really aren't bringing that much furniture over to California. We sold our couch and love seat. Dining room table and chairs are gone. All that's coming with us are a few dressers, our bed, Dylan's crib, and a coffee and two end tables. And yet, I packed that container to the top and the very edge with "stuff". In my defense, it's not all my "stuff". I've also got my in-law's "stuff" and my brother and sister-in-law's "stuff". But make no mistake, a lot of that "stuff" is ours. I don't understand where it all came from.

Truth be told, I'm a sentimental fool. I keep the weirdest "stuff". I've kept a whole bunch of "stuff" from my childhood. Pictures I drew, papers I wrote, etc. Every once in a while (usually when I move, which has been quite frequent the past two years) I go through it all and throw out some of it. But being the sentimental doofus I am, I can't part with most of it. I'm also a collector (or pack-rat as Susan calls it). I collected all sorts of comics and cards and toys from my childhood days. I'm just hoping for that one day when they'll all be worth millions. Of course it won't happen in my lifetime. Maybe in my grandchild's lifetime that X-Force #1 will be worth more than the cover price.

But for now, my "stuff" will remain with me. I'm kinda freaked out to be honest with you. Susan and I have our life in that container. It's weird to think that our life is floating along the Pacific Ocean. What if a hurricane hits? What if it hits an iceberg? What if the captains at Matson decide to strike while they're still at sea? Will my stuff ever get to Cali? Hopefully soon.

I really wanted to post some before and after pictures of the container but like I said, moving sucks and somehow Susan's camera has disappeared. Sadly, we know it's not in the container because we had it with us when we were visiting family on Oahu. We had stuff all over the place and I'm sure it somehow got misplaced (again, that 19 month old may have had something to do with it). So if any of you see a GE camera probably in a sleek blue camera case let me know and you can claim your reward. Just so you know, the reward is a kiss from our dog Snoopy.

Susan is bummed. She loved that camera. And I had some real cute pics of Dylan pulling a bag of towels and sheets down the hallway. Everyone chipped in on the move. Hopefully it'll reappear somewhere. Probably went into that black hole that forms once your child is born. All you parents out there know what I'm talking about.

But anyway, back to the "stuff". As much as you hate packing it and moving it, it doesn't feel like home until it's with you. I know that a lot of it I can do without and that in the end all I need is my family and friends. But whether it's the 3rd grade report I did on "Timber Wolves", my senior year high school yearbook that the guys defiled with swear words, or the pictures of my wedding or Dylan's first year of life, they all have one thing in common, it's my memories and my life. And stuff like that is worth way more than the paper it's printed on and the space it takes up in a house.

And I'm sorry I used so many quotation marks when using the word stuff. I was kinda curious how many times I'd use that word.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Lots of Questions

Hello everyone. Welcome to the first ever post of my first ever blog. Some of you may have questions. Some of you may want to simply hear some of the funnier stories of my life. Some of you may just want to see pictures of Dylan. Over time, you're probably going to get a little bit of everything. I have only one disclaimer. I consider myself somewhat intelligent but by no means an expert on a variety of things. I don't intend for this blog to dip in to topics relating to politics, religion, the economy, and so on and so forth. But I'm sure they will head that way every once in a while. So forgive me for my occassional soapbox grandstanding (especially if you don't agree and/or have information to refute my opinion). Really, all I wanted to do was create a space where people can keep up with me and my family as we take this next big step in our lives. So onto the questions!

1. Why a blog?

Some people think I'm a decent writer. My fellow fantasy footballers seem to enjoy the columns I put out every week during football season. Of course I won't be as crass and I'll edit myself much better in this blog due to the audience. But all in all, "da boys" seem to enjoy hearing me rant and rave. They also seem to enjoy when I recall the funny stories of my past.

But really, I wanted to start this blog so people can keep up with Dylan, Susan, and myself as we make the move to California. We've made so many friends over the years and it's nearly impossible to keep up with emails and what not in regards to updates that I almost feel a blog is a better than mass emailing. This way, you can come and go as you please. You won't feel obligated to respond (although it would be nice to hear from all of you from time to time). And you can view the photos of the family much easier rather than having to deal with attachments.
So hopefully this blog will help us all keep in touch better.

I also wanted to start a blog for the family. It'd be nice to look back at this moment in time and have a little journal of all that went on as we moved our life to California. Coming from a guy who lived all his life in Hawaii up to this point, the whole story of a local boy adjusting to mainland life might be interesting from a sociological standpoint (remember, I majored in this stuff).

2. What's a "Haolepino"?

For our friends who don't know, "Haolepino" is the term I often use to refer to myself in the Hawaii cirlces. It's a combo of the words "Haole" and "Filipino" which refers to my ethnic background. I am equal parts "Haole" (which means caucasian) and Filipino. Put the two together and I'm a "Haolepino". Of course, in San Diego, the sound of the name takes on a whole different meaning.

3. Where are the pictures of Dylan?

Hold your horses people. Susan and I are in the middle of a very busy time in our lives and pictures of the cutie pie will be up shortly. I feel bad because there are many of you who haven't seen pics of him in a long long time. Are there are some of you who have never even seen pics of our son. I'm hoping to change that as time goes on.

4. Why did you move?

Well, that will have to wait until another blog.